How to Control Food Cost in Restaurant and Increase Profitability

Restaurant owners often look at their sales figures as the only barometer for success. However, sales figures do not tell you the entire story. Looking at food cost metrics should also be a priority for restaurants. Most importantly, a low food cost will have a major impact on your bottom line. In this article, we […]

12 Restaurant Food Photography Tips and Tricks

Digital marketing strategies have been highly sought after since the pandemic started. For restaurants, this means sharing restaurant & food images online to stay connected with their audiences. After all, out of sight quickly transpires to out of mind. This led to an increased demand for restaurant food photography tips and tricks that can compel […]

How to Do Restaurant Accounting

Restaurant accounting is a topic most restaurant owners dread. All restaurant owners want to do is operate the restaurant and find ways to earn profit. But what if we tell you that accounting for restaurants is an integral part in restaurant operations? Hiring an accountant for your food business accounting will help with the books. […]

Top 10 Best Books for Restaurant Owners

The pandemic has turned the entire world upside down. For the restaurant industry, this led to a lot of losses apart from the sudden need for a digital transformation. A great resource in this time has been restaurant management books that have lent valuable insights by industry experts. However unaffected you were in the pandemic […]

Everything You Need To Know About Restaurant Taxes

There are a lot of factors that go into taxing a restaurant. Income, location, restaurant size, number of employees are some of the criteria where the government will look to levy taxes on the restaurant. Depending on these variables, the restaurant can shell out thousands of dollars per year just to pay their restaurant taxes. […]