8 Best Restaurant Review Sites To Be Present On

Consumer behavior towards restaurants has evolved through time. In this day and age, it seems like it’s a must to read reviews on a restaurant first before actually trying. As a result, restaurant review sites have begun popping up from left and right. Restaurant review sites could serve as a double edged sword for restaurants. […]

How To Create A Restaurant Training Manual 

The lifeline of the restaurant industry are its employees. Therefore, only the best restaurant training should be allocated to them. In this article, we would like to share our knowledge on what must be inside your restaurant service training manual. Why Do You Need a Restaurant Training Manual? It is important that every employee knows […]

Restaurant Kitchen Layout: Your Guide to Designing your Cooking Space

The kitchen is the heart and soul of a restaurant. The food that comes from the kitchen is the main factor whether customers will go back to your restaurant or not. However, the work that comes with making the food also takes a lot of preparation. And it all begins with a restaurant kitchen layout […]

How to Build a Restaurant Brand in 8 Steps

How to build a restaurant brand is more than just a logo. It is the personality that the restaurant exudes. In the competitive world of restaurants, developing a restaurant brand can boost name recall and attract new customers. A successful restaurant brand is visible in all customer interactions. For example, a restaurant’s brand can be […]

How to Control Food Cost in Restaurant and Increase Profitability

Restaurant owners often look at their sales figures as the only barometer for success. However, sales figures do not tell you the entire story. Looking at food cost metrics should also be a priority for restaurants. Most importantly, a low food cost will have a major impact on your bottom line. In this article, we […]