6 Examples of Zero Waste Restaurants and What They’re Doing Right

Zero waste restaurants — This term has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent times. And rightly so, considering it highlights the importance of conservation of resources which is the need of the hour. Especially for restaurants, going ‘zero-waste’ is vital to improving their bottom line.  According to FAO, approximately 1/3rd of all food […]

How To Aggregate All Third Party Orders In Your Cloud Kitchen

For the past year, restaurants are relying heavily on food delivery to keep their business afloat during the pandemic. Despite the pandemic, it was reported in reportlinker that the food delivery business is still expected to reach $126.91 billion in 2021. The growth is primarily driven by social distancing protocols, remote working schemes, and restrictions […]

Restaurant Profit margins, the hard truths with inventory

The hard part of writing is writing. You have the topic and points in your mind, mull it over a few times, sleep on it a few more days, and yet hardly a word is written down. Well, blame it on indolence. And then one fine moment, your brain berates you for the laziness and […]